Utility Provider Customer Experience Management

In a modern and digital age, utility providers face a new challenge – delivering a seamless and positive customer experience at every touchpoint. The days of simply providing reliable service have come and gone. Customers now expect clear communication, efficient billing processes, and easy access to information and this is where utility provider customer experience management solutions come into play.

boostCX is a comprehensive suite of customer experience management tools that can be tailored specifically for utility companies, empowering you to optimize every customer touchpoint, from billing inquiries to outage notifications. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can build trust, boost loyalty, and drive long-term growth for your utility company.

Let’s explore how boostCX can transform the customer experience and position your utility company for success in the ever-evolving marketplace!

How Does boostCX Help Utility Providers Improve the Customer Experience?

boostCX Customer Experience Management Tools

Survey Feedback and Closed-Loop Alert Management

A core feature of the boostCX platform is Survey Feedback and Closed-Loop Alert Management. This system captures invaluable customer feedback through surveys and various channels that include text, email, phone, in-app surveys, and more. Data and insights are collected and generated, highlighting potential customer pain points within the process. Automated alerts allow utility providers to respond quickly to issues and ensure that customer voices are heard. This feedback loop empowers utility providers to understand their customers on a deeper level and continuously improve the customer experience.

Orange Utility Work Ahead Sign on a Street

Actionable Insights

boostCX does much more than just gather customer feedback. boostCX Actionable Insights empowers utility providers to transform customer feedback into action and improvement. Actionable Insights allows providers to create role-based dashboards and provide targeted information for different departments, while KPI trends and industry analytics benchmark performance. KPI Scorecards then help drill down to the root causes of customer dissatisfaction, allowing utility providers to develop targeted solutions that effectively address customer concerns and improve the overall experience.

Utility Worker Putting Yellow Hose Down a Sewer

Text Analytics

boostCX Text Analytics takes customer data beyond simple feedback and leverages the power of human and machine learning. This feature analyzes the feedback provided by customers, identifies recurring themes and pinpoints key issues that may not be readily apparent in numerical data. Visual dashboards present these insights in an easy-to-understand format, empowering utility providers to act on customer sentiment and address the root causes of dissatisfaction.

Electrical Worker Climbing a Steel Electrical Pole

boostCX Social

Social media goes beyond just marketing with boostCX Social. This innovative solution allows utility providers to engage directly with customers on a variety of social media platforms. By monitoring customer feedback in real-time and creating custom alerts for specific keywords or mentions, utility providers can proactively address concerns and improve response times. boostCX Social can also help increase positive online reviews and identify key customer trends and themes through social media engagement, providing valuable insights to shape future customer service strategies.

Electrical Worker in a Bucket Working on Power Lines

Engagement Services

Beyond core features – boostCX Engagement Services offer a powerful, multi-channel approach. A Live Agent Contact Center and interactive online chat tools provide a human touch, while real-time data analysis and market research allow utility providers to address customer needs in an instant. This blend of services and tech-driven tools provided by boostCX empowers you to proactively manage your customer base across various channels, fostering stronger relationships and boosting overall customer satisfaction.

Worker in Yellow Hard Hat Climbing a Power Line Pole