Restaurant Customer Experience Management

The restaurant industry thrives on providing exceptional experiences and to be competitive and drive success, restaurants and restaurant owners must be able to provide a flawless customer experience. Delicious food isn’t enough to set your restaurant or restaurant chain apart from competitors anymore. Diners desire a seamless journey, from the moment they make reservations and walk through the door to the moment they settle their bill. This is where restaurant customer experience management comes into play and can make you stand out.

Customer experience management is the strategic approach to understanding and optimizing every customer touchpoint within your restaurant, ensuring guests leave feeling delighted, eager to return, and singing your praises to friends and family. boostCX is a leader in customer experience management solutions that empowers restaurants with the tools and insights they need to make customer experience dreams a reality. Let’s delve deeper into the world of restaurant customer experience management and explore how boostCX can help you elevate your guest experience and drive success.

How Does boostCX Improve the Customer Experience for Restaurant Owners?

boostCX Customer Experience Management Features

boostCX Survey Feedback and Closed-Loop Alert Management

Your guests want to be heard! boostCX Survey Feedback empowers restaurants to capture guest feedback with customized surveys in real-time and through multiple channels – text, email, phone, and more. Closed-Loop Alert Management takes it a step further, by generating instant alerts for low scores or specific keywords used by your guests in their feedback. This allows you to address concerns, demonstrate that you care, and ultimately turn negative experiences into positive ones for your guests.

Waiter Giving Menu to People at a Table

boostCX Actionable Insights

Customer experience management is about more than just collecting feedback and boostCX Actionable Insights uses the power of data analysis to help you drive success. This innovative solution uncovers trends and identifies areas for improvement across the entire customer journey at your restaurant. Insights are made available with role-based dashboards, KPI trends, KPI Scorecards, and custom reports based on feedback. With these insights and analytics at your fingertips, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your operations, personalize guest experiences, and ultimately boost your restaurant’s success.

Waiter with Serving Tray with Glasses of Wine

boostCX Text Analytics

Take your finger off the pulse and dive into the heart of your customer experience with boostCX Text Analytics. This powerful tool leverages human and machine learning to uncover hidden themes within guest feedback. It automatically groups similar responses, generates visual reports for easy analysis, and even triggers alerts for critical issues. With boostCX Text Analytics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers and use those insights to personalize experiences and improve guest satisfaction on a whole new level.

Chef Cooking in a Kitchen

boostCX Social

Don’t let online reviews collect dust! boostCX Social empowers you to proactively manage your restaurant’s online reputation on social media platforms. This comprehensive tool tracks social media mentions, identifies both positive and negative feedback, and allows you to engage directly with guests on the platforms they use most. By creating a two-way conversation and addressing concerns publicly, boostCX Social helps you build stronger relationships, earn trust, and ultimately upgrade the customer experience for everyone who makes reservations at your restaurant.

Waitress Speaking with Couple at a Restaurant table

boostCX Engagement Services

Turn customer data into action with boostCX Engagement Services and better manage your customer base. This comprehensive approach goes beyond the platform, providing a dedicated team of experts who can help you analyze your guest feedback, develop targeted strategies, and help you implement improvements that drive real results. boostCX Engagement Services employs social media engagement and monitoring services, a Live Agent Contact Center, online chat applications, market research, customer care, brand management services, and more.

Customers Paying a Bill at a Table