boostCX Blog

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Men and Women Using Social Media on Phones with Icons and Notifications
  • How Important is Social Media to the Customer Experience?

    How Important is Social Media to the Customer Experience?

    How Does Social Media Affect the Customer Experience? Did you know that an estimated 4 Billion people use social media platforms across the globe? This makes the ability of businesses to use social media to connect with current and potential customers even more important. Social media is about building meaningful connections with your customers on…

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  • How Can You Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

    How Can You Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

    Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) It can be difficult to crack the NPS code and it requires more than just hopes and dreams. No matter what industry you are in, we think that these 10 tips to improve your Net Promoter Score can help. Listen to feedback, personalize interactions, resolve…

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  • Top 5 Customer Experience Management Features

    Top 5 Customer Experience Management Features

    Must-Have Customer Experience Management Features In today’s customer-focused world, your customer experience management system needs to be more than just software. It is the command and control center for understanding, engaging, and satisfying your customers. Imagine capturing every customer voice through surveys, reviews, and social media, then using powerful data and text analytics to uncover…

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  • What Is the Customer Roadmap in the Automotive Industry?

    What Is the Customer Roadmap in the Automotive Industry?

    Key Steps in the Automotive Customer Journey and Roadmap The automotive customer journey resembles a road trip – with pit stops for fuel and food along the way until you reach your final destination. The customer journey in the automotive world all starts with the spark of motivation to purchase a vehicle, whether that be…

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  • How Can AI Improve the Customer Experience?

    How Can AI Improve the Customer Experience?

    Top 5 Ways AI Can Improve the Customer Experience The current and future benefits of AI and machine learning are nearly limitless – but how can that technology be leveraged to improve the customer experience at your business? From predicting your needs before you say them to resolving issues at warp speed, AI and machine…

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